Editorial Advisory Board of Journal
Dr. Abhinav Alakshendra
Assistant Professor
Department of Uraban and Regional Planing Director,
Central for International Design and Planing
University of Florida,
448 ARCH, PO Box 115706
Glainesville, FL 32611-5706
Phone : 352-294-1488
Mobile : +13523253050
Email : alakshendra@gmail.com
Dr. Amit Kundu
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
Jadavpur University
Kolkata - 700032, West Bengal, India
Email : akundu29@gmail.com, akundu29@rediffmail.com
Phone : (O) +91 9830505312
Dr. Himanshu
Associate Professor
Jawahar Lal Nehru Unviversity
Central for Economic Studies and Planing,
School of Social Sciences
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi, Delhi - 110067
Phone : 011- 24122615/09891387312
Email : himanshu2@jnu.ac.in, himanshu2@gmail.com
Dr. Manju Bhagat
Professor and Head
Department of Management
BIT Mesra, Ranchi
Resdence :
404 Birendra Sudha Apartment, Burdwan Compound, Ranchi - 834 001
Mobile : 9431106340
Email : mbhagat@bitmesra.ac.in
Dr. Minaketan Behera
Associate Professor
Jawahar Lal Nehru University
Central for Informal Sector & Labour Studies,
School of Social Sciences
Room No. 108, SSS- I
Phone : 011-26738969, 9899213682
Email : minaketan@mail.jnu.ac.in behera.minaketan.gmail.com
Dr. R. P. Singh "Ratan"
Directorate of Extension Education,
BAU, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Phone : 0651 2450849, 9431594093
Email : dee@bauranchi.org , deebauranchi@gmail.com
Dr. Rajshree Majumder
Professor, Deptarment Economics
University of Burdwan, Golapbag,
Burdwan, West Bengal - 713104
Phone :91 9434671567
Email : meriju@rediffnail.com, r.majumder@eco.buruniv.ac.in.
Dr. Rajesh Kumar, (MA, Ph D)
Associate Professor & Head
Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag
Mobile : 9471717390
Email : headenglishvbu@gmail.com, bkrajesh@gmail.com
Dr. S. P. Singh
Department of Humanities & Social Sciences,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee - 247667
Phone : 91 01332-285337, 9837714002
Email : singhfhs@iitr.ac.in , singhfhs@gmail.com
Dr. Sudeep Kumar
Assistant Professor & HOD
Department of Research & Publications
Editor - Jharkhand Journal of Development and Management Studies
Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS)
Dr. Camil Bulcke Path
Ranchi - 834 001
Phone : 0651-2200873(Extn.209) (O), Mobile : 089696 02570
Email : sudeepkumar@xiss.ac.in, jjdms.xiss@gmail.com
Prof. Alakh N.Sharma
Institute for Human Development
Plot No. 84
Functional Industrial Estate(FIE)
Patparganj, Delhi - 110092
Email : alakh.sharma@ihdindia.org
Mobile : 98107 05500
Dr. Amlendu Shekhar Mitra
Former Head, Department of Economics
Vinoba Bhave University
Mobile :
Email :
Prof. Biswajit Chatterjee
Professor, Department of Economics
Jadavpur University, Calcutta - 700032
Email : chatterjeeb@vsnl.net
Telephone :(0) : 033-2414-6328, 033-2410-1960 (R)
Mobile : 98304 99173, 98303 05222
Residence : MIG `P`, 7 & 8, NIVA PARK, Phase II,
Brahmapur, Garia, Kolkata - 700096
Prof. D.Narasimha Reddy
Retired as Professor in Economics and Dean
School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad
Mobile : 9440608373
Email : duvvurunarsimha@gmail.com
Residence : # 3-33-33, L.Venkata Reddy Colony,
Lingampalli, Hyderabad - 500019
Dr. Jeemol Unni
Professor of Economics
Amrut Mody School of Management
Ahmedabad University
GICT Building, Central Campus
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009
Phone : 61911337
Email : jeemol.unni@ahduni.edu.in
Dr. Meera Tiwari Associate Professor in International Development University of East London Docklands, 4 - 6 University Way London E16 2RD Tel : + 44 (0) 208 223 7422 Email : m.tiwari@uel.ac.uk