Copyright & Reprint

Jharkhand Journal of Social Development (JJSD) is a multi disciplinary refereed journal published bi-annually by Jharkhand Development Forum, Ranchi, It aims to promote debated discussion from a Social Development perspective. It features research bringing out new facts or data presentation.

The journal aims to highlight and encourage socially relevant theoritical and empirical work in the field of social science and relative disciplines of development. The journal is published biannually i.e. twice a year, in June and January.

Jharkhand Development Forum',Ranchi a professional body of social scientists working in development issues. The journal provides a forum for dissemination and exchange of findings of research in social sciences. It promotes critical evaluation of development studies, in social sciences. The journal publishes articles dealing with new development in research as well as reviews, perspectives, research notes/commentaries and statistics on India and specially on backward regions like Jharkhand. The Journal welcomes papers based on research bringing out new facts or data presenatation in analytical frame.