Instruction to Author
Keyword: Keywords should not repeat terms used in the articles title, and should not exceed 80 characters and space.
Abstract: The Abstract should consist of 250 words or less. The abstract should be written in complete sentences and should succinctly state the objectives, the experimental design of the paper and the principal observations and conclusion; it should be inteligible without reference to the rest of paper.
Heading, Subheadings and Sub-subheading : Check headings ( Caps Centre ) subheading (Letter in Upper, Lower case and bold) and Sub-subheadings (Upper, Lower Case and Italic Bold).
Discussion and Conclusion : Give text separatly under these heads.
Conclusion and Recoomendations : Give test separately under these heads, try to give text in paragraphs instead of serial numbers.
Summary : No summary in the end.
Abbreviations: Give full name for each abbreviation and avoid them for & etc.
Statistical Symbols : Please check the statistical symbols carefully or use name of the symbol.
Tables & Figures: You must keep the tables and figures in the end of the text and references.
Figures, Line drawing and Photographs: Figure/must be clear and concise in line drawing and balck & white only(without any colour and background).
Send also the Two Hard Copyies for final processing of the paper.
Typographical Errors: Spelling errors, grammar and related minor issues to be addressed. Notes and References: List the NOTES and REFERENCES under separate heads. List only those references which are cited in the text.
For Text: Write only Family/Name/Caste and non first or middle name except when there is more than one author with the same Family/Name/Caste than to differentiate among them use first and /middle name.
Do not use ibid and opcit in the text.
When there is one authors' cited for an observation/evaluation than arrange it as follows:
For example : Sen(2000) or Khakhar and Gulati(2000) or Dey et al(2008).
When there are more than one authors cited for an observation/evaluation than arrange them according to the year of publication and do not put comma before the year and place semi colon after the year.
For example: (Cole 1965;DeJong 1974; Gulati 1996;Khakhar and Gulati 2000;Dey et al.2008;Sharma 1997).
When there are more than one cited references in an observation/evaluation which are published in the same year than arrange the list of authors alphabetically.
For example :(Bhasin et al 2007;Boon et al 2007;Regassa 2007;Singh et al 2007)For list of References
Check the list of References carefully and arrange them as per style of the journal as follows:
Do not put NUMBER before any references.
Do not use COMMA, FULLSTOP in an individual name.
Do not use AND when there are two or more than two authors.
Do not use place use et al when there are more than two authors, i.e. Give names of all authors , however you may use et al. after listing at least first five authors.
Place the YEAR of publication after the authors and before the title of the paper.
When using abbreviations for the title of the journal than do not use FULL STOP.
After the name of the journal put COMMA and give the VOLUME NO. Then COLON and PAGE NUMBERS.
Do not give any separate subheading/s for Journal/Books/Newspapers, magazines etc.
Do not use opcit.