A SWOT Analysis of Jharkhand Budget Since Its Inception

Authors:A. K.Chaudhary and Aprajita Choudhary

Production And Marketing Of Potato In Punjab

Authors:M.S. Sidhu and Varinder Pal Singh

Mental Health Services in Rural India: Challenges and Prospects

Authors:Anant Kumar

Impact of Globlisation on Regional Imbalance in Economic Growth Across the Different States of India

Authors:Archana Kumari

Sustainable Livelihood Issues In Jharkhand: A Case Study

Authors:Lekha Prasad

Prospect of Agro Forestry in Jharkhand

Authors:Nan Kumar Sahu and Shyamali Banerjee

Does Spousal Perspectives Lead Communication toward Family Planning Use? Evidence from Young Married Couples in Central India

Authors:Nizamuddin Khan

Vegetable Marketing in Jharkhand

Authors:Prakash Chandra Deogharia

Elementary Education: Competency Of Children In Jharkhand

Authors:Pramod Kumar Sinha

Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank and its Impact on Tribal Economy – A Case Study

Authors:R. Prasad and Preeti Vaishnav

Foreign Investments in India with special reference to FII

Authors:Radha Raman Das

Role of NGO in Rural Development: A Case Study of R.K.Mission (KVK) in Ranchi District

Authors:S. N. Tiwary and S. N. Prajapati

Perceived Social Support and Burden in the Primary Caregivers of Male & Female Schizophrenic Patients: A Comparative study

Authors:Surekha Kumari,Amool R. Singh and A.N .Verma

Consumer Rights in Indian Real Estate Market Issues and Challenges in Indian Housing Market

Authors:Tapan Kumar Shandilya and Suraj Kumar